Artistic Therapy

Today My husband and I began doing some dirty marriage counseling. We have decided to take up hydro dipping, a new form of painting all kinds of different objects, we personally have decided to dip glass bottles. This experience is to bring us closer while also using it as a mental stress reliever by doing something we both enjoy, ART. I found the activity fun and very enjoyable until of course depression hits again.

Being able to work on my marriage is one of my top priorities and sometimes my depression gets in the way and becomes like pushing a bolder up a mountain top just to have it push you right back down maybe even break your fucking foot in the process. Even tho its difficult I still try to keep walking down this path, when you love someone and you love your family even tho you may not love your self or your life per-say you do what it takes to move past the depression and seek what is most important UNITY .

While trying to do the hydro dipping I became over whelming frustrated with myself for not being able to do it just because he could. I began to cry, and get irritated pushing myself into a corner of self-doubt. I couldn’t do it and i just knew I’d never be able to because i was just a moron, and of course the man i chose to be my knight and shining armor came swooping in to let me no I’m absolutely not and that patience is a virtue and it not only matters in this project but in our marriage and my daily battle with postpartum depression. Patience will be the only way to surely do things right with care and love.

At the end of the project i got out of it exactly what i was going in to get. I realized new things about myself, my husband and new things we have in common, we love hydro dipping and we’re actually pretty good at it for beginners. I went in thinking i should be good at this if I’m not i must be no good and came out with the best daily advise to have for the rest of my life ;every thing is not simple and failure is OK because when you have patience and support you are capable of ANYTHING , things that once seemed impossible become completely attainable.

Please remeber that even if you feel alone and no good YOU ARE NOT. You are never alone, I give you my emotional support and love who ever you are who ever possibly needs it IM HERE. I may not know how to deal with myself but i know how to send a smile to a broken heart and mine is here for EVERYONE. To my readers whoever you are you are loved and perfectly imperfect. Dont change your self eliminate the depresion and all the best parts of you will shine through.

Run through your alley of pain to the beautiful trails of joy, I’m here with you jogging through the depression too.

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